Phoenesse LLC

Phoenesse LLC
Looking to grow spiritually?
Phoenesse®—pronounced "finesse"— offers a fresh approach to timeless spiritual teachings, showing us how to repair our deepest wounds and restore ourselves to wholeness.
Jill Loree and Scott Wisler are partners in making these rich, transformative teachings easier to access. Phoenesse offerings include:
Jill Loree has re-crafted the rich spiritual teachings of the Pathwork Guide, making them easier for everyone to access.
Access 167 spiritual teachings—from 10 spiritual books—as podcasts. Plus listen to Walker: A Memoir.
This collection of spiritual essays paints a powerful picture of what it means to walk a spiritual path.
Building on our passion for helping others grow and develop spiritually, we are soon opening a center for spiritual healing in Cuba, New York. Do you feel called to dive more deeply into your spiritual healing journey? Contact us to learn more.
So let’s go. It’s time to move fearlessly through whatever is blocking our light. Let's do this work; let’s light up this world.